Captivated No11

Behdad Lahooti Capticated
Dimension:71(L) × 22(H) × 14(D) cm
2,800 $
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The events, thoughts and edges of the artist's life and the society in which he lives are the main subject of his works. The use of various items, new methods, advanced technology has a special place in the creation of artist's works. The aesthetic aspect and concept are especially important for him. In addition to the visual and formal appeal, his works deal with social criticism, the inner world and nature, and at the first encounter, they fascinate the viewer and at the same time make them think. He seeks to focus on repetitive things. Sometimes they seem unimportant and trivial due to their repetition, but actually paying attention to them can increase our understanding of the world around us. All his collections, despite the diversity in subject and material, are made serially with a single connecting line.
According to him, the idea of ​​the collection of Behdad Lahoti's works originates from his life. He is constantly reacting and analyzing himself in the face of social and political events of the day. Another aspect of his works is to pay attention to repetitive things that seem unimportant and trivial, but actually paying attention to them can give us a deeper understanding of our surroundings and its elements.
Behdad Lahooti Capticated
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