Hamed Rashtian

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Hamed was a student of pure mathematics at Beheshti University, when he became familiar with sculpting. He enrolled in sculpting classes of “Kargah Honar” institute. That is where he realized, he was talented in sculpting. At the time, having studied at Beheshti University for 5 semesters, he felt like he had drifted away from what he was actually studying in university. Soon he dropped out and started taking independent courses at Maahe Mehr private art school in sculpting, history of contemporary art, philosophy of art, art history of Iran, all taught by elite scholars of the field. After that he spent two years working as Parviz Tanavoli’s assistant. Along with other students of Tanavoli’s class, they formed the group Ma’koos. With their first group exhibition, his professional artistic career started



2017 - 2019
HF Diploma in Fine Arts from F+F Schule Für Kunst und Design, Zurich
2017 - 2019
Currently MFA candidate at Emily Carr University of Art and Design, Vancouver


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